Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Word about Special Ingredients

I personally like to get all my vitamins and nutrients from nature.  I believe in a balanced diet, not a lot of supplements.  I have friends who will argue with me on that point, but that's just my own belief.

A detox diet is different though, you're doing things out of the ordinary in order to achieve extraordinary results.  There are a few things I read about, in multiple sources, that promised health benefits that I felt were worth exploring.  I'll be using all these in the recommended amounts.

One of the new Superfoods, the maca root has been a staple in the towns and villages of Peru for thousands of years and has been used for food and  medicinal purposes.  It's an energy booster and good vegan source of vitamin B12 - so skip the coffee and add 1 Tablespoon of Maca to your morning smoothie.  It supports a healthy endocrine system, regulating hormones that are often out of whack due to environmental estrogens. It’s calcium and vitamin C help build muscle mass, while its alkaloids, which help the body metabolize, help the body transport all these nutrients just where they are needed.  And on top of all that, it's a great aphrodisiac.

Lecithin Granules
Lecithin is an essential nutrient that is required by your body, but not made in adequate amounts. It’s found naturally in foods like egg yolks and organ meats, which most people don’t often eat. Soy lecithin has many health benefits. It adds creaminess to recipes and is a source of choline, which helps dissolve body fat and cholesterol and can help regulate your kidney, liver and gallbladder function. It has also been shown to fight memory loss, and grow healthy hair and skin.  A main reason I picked this one up is because it also has a yummy, cheesy taste and is great to sprinkle on salads or other dishes.

Kelp Powder
Kelp is a type of seaweed that is used to flavor foods and also taken to add iodine to the body, which helps fight infection and disease. Of it's many benefits, it has been used as a blood purifier. It is said to cleanse the body of radiation, which is why there was a huge run on it after Fukoshima. Because of its detoxifying effects, it is also used to treat conditions of the bowel. Kelp is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and iodine, the last of which is essential to normal thyroid function. You can use it to season food as mentioned above. It is great for a salt replacement on salads, as a seasoning, or in a "green smoothie". I must admit that I don't really like the taste of this - pretty fishy for a vegetarian - so I only take it in capsule form.  However you take it, do not consume more than 1-2 teaspoons a day, or for more than 2 weeks at a time without a 2 week break.

Psyllium Husk 
Psyllium husk come from the Plantago ovata plant which is grown mainly in India and are the coating found around the seed. They come in a dried or powdered form.  They are often used in the detox process and have been show to effectively cleanse the colon and help with blood circulation - especially good for "Vata" doshas.  The substance is a bulking agent (mucilage). It swells within the intestine to a gel, helping to absorb toxins and speed transit time of waste through the intestine. This reduces the toxic build-up that can occur, especially during juice fasting. Psyllium husk is highly effective when taken about 30 minutes before meals. This way, the husks will have time to expand in your stomach and give you a "full" feeling. This will help you eat smaller meals and thus lose unwanted pounds. Do this during a juice cleanse to help scrub out your colon. Add 1 teaspoon of psyllium seed to 1 cup (8 oz) of warm water. Mix well, and then drink immediately before it becomes too thick to swallow comfortably. On a detox cleanse, it's recommended to do this when you wake, before breakfast.  You can take it every day for up to 7 days, or as needed.

Glutamine is an amino acid or protein building block produced by the body. It serves a variety of functions in supporting the immune, digestive and nervous system and helps remove excess ammonia from the body. Glutamine is also found in foods such as meats, poultry, cheese, spinach and cabbage. It helps regulate the body's pH, or the balance of acids and bases, required for the proper functioning of cells. It also helps regulate blood glucose levels and can be converted to glucose or energy for the body when needed. Glutamine also supports the HGH, or human growth hormone secretion. HGH plays a large role in fat metabolism and muscle growthEspecially during a detox, it's recommended that you take 1 teaspoon of Glutamine powder the last thing before you go to bed to help maintain the integrity of your gut wall, your first line of defense from toxins.

Pau d'Arco
The Incas and native tribes of South America use pau d’arco bark externally as a poultice or decoction for treating skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, hemorrhoids and skin cancers. Consumed as a tea, it restores the acid/alkaline balance of the colon, promotes healing, and has detoxifying properties.  It has also been used as a blood purifier, to treat ulcers and rheumatism and is said to cure leukemia. It also restores the acid/alkaline balance of the colon, promotes healing, and has detoxifying properties.  The recent popularity of pau d’arco in western herbology is attributed to its antifungal activity in treating inflammatory skin conditions, leukemia, dysentery, jaundice, ulcers, and rheumatism. It also contains bitter compounds that have anti-tumor activity especially in certain blood and skin cancers. Pau d'Arco tea has reportedly had beneficial effects for cancer patients, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. It is an excellent herbal source of calcium. Make tea of 1 heaping Tablespoon, steep for 5-20 minutes in 4-6 cups of water. Drink 3x daily. 

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