Sunday, March 3, 2013

MY Plan - Part 1 - Macro Structure

There was a lot of information to sort through and distill down for the purposes of clarifying it for my own good, and to share with others here.  As I mentioned, one of the biggest discoveries I made through all this research was the surprising amount of overlap among the diet philosophies.  Sure, there are plenty of differences, but the things that most of these diets have in common are 

  • The list of the 10 habits to break
  • The list of the 5 habits to form
  • The focus on seasonal, local foods
  • The importance on balancing the 5 elements
  • The benefits of sprouted foods

These are all important things to consider, not only during a detox, but as a permanent life change towards a healthier YOU.  

I've actually been working through my 4 week detox and am over halfway through.  This is MY Plan - tried and tested with great results (as I'll soon share).  I'm not a nutritionist, so please consult a doctor first if this diet veers dramatically from your current diet.

Part 1: 2 weeks, detox diet with macrobiotic principles

Remember  to incorporate all 7 Essential Components (carbs, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and water), 5 Elements/Tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and sharp), the 3 Textures (creamy, crunchy and chewy), and seasonings specific to your dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) into your Lunch and Dinner.  Also try to include some raw garlic or onion into your daily meals.

Upon waking:  Start your day with a large glass of hot water with a thick slice of organic lemon. 

Breakfast:  Smoothie blended with water, non-GMO soy milk, almond milk,  or pumpkin seed milk + 1 Tablespoon Maca powder.  Top with raw oats or a gluten-free cereal (like Nutty Rice or Mesa Sunrise flakes) + 1 Tbsp. Essential Seed Mix (Grind together 3 parts flax seeds, to part each pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds.  All seeds should be raw, organic.)  

Morning Snack:  10 raw, sprouted almonds (soaked overnight + drained), Handful fresh pomegranate seeds (when in season) or goji berries (you can top your smoothie with this if you want to skip the snack)

  • Soup or Salad
  • Grain (typically use leftover from dinners for ease)
  • Protein (soy-based or cooked beans)
  • Dessert (optional) - Mandarin or 1/2 granny smith apple with raw almond butter

Afternoon Snack:  Supergreens Mix with raw crackers, and a shot of wheatgrass, a glass of  rejuvelac (Note: I love the traditional version sprouted with wheat berries, but be sure to use gluten-free grains like brown rice, amaranth, millet, rye berries or quinoa for the cleanse.  I also like to add a slice of raw beet to each jar for sweetness.), kombucha, or 1/4 cup aloe vera juice.
  • Vegetable (2 servings - both cooked and raw - cruciferous or dark, leafy greens are best)
  • Sea Vegetable (this is often the salty component)
  • Grain (cooked amaranth, buckwheat cakes or noodles, polenta or corn cakes, besan/chickpea flour chapatis, cooked millet, quinoa, barley with husk, brown rice)
  • Protein (soy-based or cooked beans)
  • Pickle, Chutney or Tapenade (this is often the sour component)
  • Dessert (optional, 2-3x a week)

Drinks:  Herbal teas (dandellion is especially good for liver detox), green tea, brown rice tea, hot ginger water, water with cucumber, Pau d'arco tea, dosha-specific herbal tea.  You can also make wonderful teas out of fresh herbs - rosemary, mint, parsley - or crushed, dried herbs - dill seed, celery seed, coriander seed - all of which have specific, medicinal properties.  It's important to remember not to drink much during or for 1 hour after your meals to aid digestion.

    Before Bed:  Take Glutamine supplement (help maintain the integrity of your gut wall, your first line of defense from toxins)

    Remember, it's never too late to make a resolution.  If you're feelings the signs of toxicity and want to be healthier, clean up your act and start NOW.

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