Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thankfulness: A Love Story (Part 3)

Not sure where to begin?  Start with the easy ones.

Your Health - Be thankful for what you have. 

Your Senses - They allow you to enjoy all the beautiful sights, sounds, tastes and smells of this world.  Your life experiencewould be dramatically reduced without them.

Your Family - This relationship is often complicated and challenging.  Good or bad, they helped make you into the person you are today.  Show your thanks.

Your Friends - In our modern world, this likely is your "real" family.  They're the ones that know you best of all and share in your laughter and tears.  Be sincere, dependable, and a good listener.

Your Enemies - For uncovering your faults, and opening your eyes to ways you can be a better person.

Your Teachers - Let them know that you appreciate their dedication and the knowledge they pass down to you.  Remember, they're not doing it for the money, they're doing it because they care.

Your Community - Be thankful for these people that brighten your day - the neighbors, barista, bus driver, whomever.   Smile, let them know you appreciate them, and wish them a nice day.

Your Freedom - America's not perfect, but it certainly does have it's perks (especially for women and minorities).  Don't take it for granted.  Be thankful for your democratic priviledges - vote and make your voice heard about issues that matter to you.

Nature - For all of its beauty, inspiration, and healing power.

Technology - For making the imposible, possible, and our lives easier (sometimes).

Your Job - Whether it's your dream job or just a paycheck, hopefully it gives you a means by which to add value to the world.

Your Mind - For the ability to think, create, and store memories.

"If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation,
you will discover that your life will
suddenly be filled with gratitude,
a feeling that nurtures the soul."

- Rabbi Harold Kushner
in the essay "God's Fingerprints on the Soul"

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