Friday, February 1, 2013

How Toxic are You?

Toxic agents are everywhere in our world.  They assault us daily through stress, pollutants, additives and chemicals in our food, water and air, furnishings, cleaners and more.  Because toxins are part of our daily life, both inside and out, it may seem that they're a natural part of living and that taking measures to deal with them is unnecessary.  Not true.

Despite overwhelming advancements in medical care our society is sicker than ever.  We may be living longer, but we’re riddled with illness and disease.  Nearly all sickness in industrialized countries is due to toxic build up in the body.   

Studies show that everyone should detoxify at least once a year.  

Detoxification is so important because it can literally reverse the symptoms of illness and change your life.  It can also be used as a tool to discover food allergies and addictions.  Here are 20 reasons why it's great to detoxify.

There's an easy quiz you can take to check if you need to detox.

You've heard it your whole life - You are what you eat.  Food is medicine, if you choose wisely, but many of the foods we consume are actually undermining our health in ways we don't even realize.  To take responsibility for our health, we have to become more aware of what we're putting into our bodies.

Detoxification is on my own personal list of resolutions for the year.  I've been doing tons of research on the myriad of options and suggestions.  It is a bit overwhelming, but I am finding lots of commonality between many of them.  Remember, it's really a "detox", not a "diet", though the goal is that you will make long term changes in your eating habits.  My next 6 weeks of posts are going to focus on my findings, and provide some recommendations that I hope will make the process seem less daunting.  This is a bit of a departure from my usual topics, but good health is part of what makes me happy, and I don't take it for granted.  Detox should be a positive experience - YOU are taking initiative to make yourself healthier and more balanced.  Should you choose to make it a habit, it's a benefit you'll reap your whole, long life.

Detoxification rules can seem intimidating, but they don’t have to be.  You don’t have to do a 30-day juice cleanse or the "Master Cleanse" (tried it, hated it) to get the benefits of detoxification.  The best part of it is that the most natural way to cleanse your filtering organs is by eating tasty, fresh foods like these.

Research different options and find one that works best for you, and then try it!  Even if this is your first attempt at cleansing at least go for 3 to 7-days to really start seeing the benefits.  Remember that years of toxic build up are in there and it takes some time to flush them out.  There are few unpleasant side effects that accompany detoxification as your organs let go of the accumulated plaque that has built up over the years.  These typically only last the first few days, and are often not very severe unless you're dealing with an addiction.  Definitely consult a doctor before starting any type of cleanse. Food for thought.  Much more to come...

"You pray for good health and a body that will be strong in old age. Good -- but your rich foods block the gods' answers and tie Jupiter's hands."               
- Persius (34AD - 62AD), a Roman poet and satirist

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