Thursday, May 16, 2013

How You Kill Your Creativity Every Day – and How to Stop It

Are you feeling "stuck" and uninspired?  Creativity is on the decline, and you're not the only one.  Two of the main reasons people allow this to happen is because they don't believe it's important, or because they're scared. But, no matter your age or what you do, it’s vital to have more creativity in your life.

There are many things we do daily, bad habits we've formed, that get us to this state.  The first step is acknowledging that there's a problem and then recognizing what we're doing wrong.  

30 things you probably do every day that kill your creativity
  • Blindly follow your habits
  • Don't trust your intuition
  • Get distracted by your "clutter"
  • Stop being curious
  • Compare yourself 
  • Skip physical exercise
  • Get overwhelmed by information - "analysis paralysis"
  • Don’t take action
  • Follow trends
  • Buy things pre-made and pre-packaged 
  • Overly plan 
  • Avoid time alone 
  • Adhere to standards 
  • Fear ambiguity
  • Only take on creative projects that are hugely ambitious
  • Don't question things
  • Never try anything you haven't tried before
  • Get discouraged by unsupportive comments from others
  • Behave like a grown-up
  • Spend too much time on your mobile device
  • Watch too much TV
  • Don't hand-write 
  • Get trapped by false limits
  • Stay tight in your comfort zone
  • Be critical of yourself and others
  • Avoid taking action
  • Always think the way you've always thought
  • Don't waste time recording ideas or making notes
  • Avoid mistakes
  • Don't embarrass yourself

One thing you should also recognize is that it really isn't your fault.  Our educational system and society in general are often not supportive of creativity, so it's no wonder that we do things - intentionally or not - to kill it.  So now that you know this, what can you do to stop?
Change your habits - Small changes in your habits really can make big changes in your creativity.  Every time you make yourself do something a little different than before, you're expanding your creativity. Think of the ways you kill your creativity most and start there.  Be conscious of your attitude. Over time, you'll find you develop a "how can I do this differently today?" way of thinking.

Spend 20-30 minutes each day on a creative exercise - Or 10 if it's all you can manage.  Look around you and pick something interesting, or not interesting at all.  Now, think of 10 ways that it can be improved upon.  Write it down.  The "thing" can be silly - a new name for the sandwich you're eating, the revised tag line on a billboard advertisement, whatever.  You could also spend the time drawing, or writing poetry, or playing an instrument.  Feel free to do something different every day, but do something.

Tapping back into your creativity takes practice.  But with some time, and diligence, you'll be amazed at how it comes back.

"Creativity, as has been said, consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. Hence, to think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted."  - George Kneller

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