Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to be Creative for Life

Creativity is our life force. It's a wonderful, playful part of our being. All you have to do is remember back to when you were a kid - all those magical adventures where it was effortless. Break the pattern of the typical fear-based and reactive approach where you're looking for what will go wrong. The shift is simple - ask yourself "How can I bring more creativity to this challenge?”

Even creative people have one of “those days” where they just don’t feel creative. It's even tougher for someone working to re-tap into their creativity. The next time you need a boost to your creativity, try one of these tips.

Learn Something - Constantly learning keeps you fresh, and inspires new creative thinking. Take a class, read a book, research a topic online, watch a webinar or YouTube video, whatever.  Learning something outside of your area is a great way to get the creativity flowing as well. 

Get Out - Leave the house, office, studio, or cubicle.  Get out of town, or even the country.  It doesn’t matter so much what you do or where you go, just the change of scenery helps get you out of your own head. With a fresh perspective or new point of view comes fresh ideas. Looking at new things can help you see old things in a new way.  It's great to make a habit of "getting out" of your routine at least once a day to keep the creative juices flowing.

Always carry a small notebook with you - Don't expect to remember all your great ideas. When you're struck by one, quickly write it down. If you don't, chances are you won't remember it later. They may not all be good, but they'll all help you in the end.

Read - As much as you can, about everything possible. Books exercise your brain, provide inspiration and fill you with information that allows you to make more creative connections.

Surround yourself with creative people - Interesting and creative people gravitate towards one another. Talking, and listening, to someone else is an excellent way to see a problem differently, re-think your ideas or find a new solution. Go to a presentation or lecture by someone you admire, or about a topic that seems interesting. Some of the freshest ideas are inspired by things that are entirely unrelated to the problem at hand.

Don’t be a workaholic – Take breaks. Your mind needs a chance to wind down so it doesn’t overheat and crash.

Spend time with children - Your own or someone else's. Tap back into childhood.

Get closer to nature – So many studies have shown how rejuvenating and inspiring nature is. Whether it's a weekend backpacking trip, a jog on the beach, or lunch in the park, it all helps.

And last but not least

Reward Your Curiosity - One common roadblock to developing creativity is the sense that curiosity is an indulgence. Rather than reprimanding yourself, reward yourself when you're curious about something. Give yourself the opportunity to explore new topics.

"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself."   - Alan Alda


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