Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Are You Stuck In A Rut? (Part 2)

Take a field trip.
Go somewhere or do something that interrupts your established patterns and kicks your mind and spirit into a different gear. It's amazing the power new surroundings have to renew and refresh the spirit. And you don't have to travel far either. If Tahiti is not an option, try sitting in a different chair at home, taking a different route to work, or working at the library. New perspectives are at your fingertips!  

Harness the power of regret.
Studies have shown that counterfactual thinking can actually help motivate you to act. What is counterfactual thinking? It’s what it sounds like: Thinking about how something might have happened instead of the way it actually happened. You can imagine a better or a worse alternative.  Think about what you would do differently next time and change your behavior to reach the positive outcome.  In any situation, the question “What might I have done?” prompts a new and empowering resolve: “When X happens (or doesn’t happen), I will do Y.”
Remember your victories.
Make a list.  Put items on Post-It notes around your space.  Do whatever you need to do remind yourself that you can get through this, as you always have.

Set boundaries.Take a close look at where your time and energy are being drained by what feel are unpleasant obligations. What are you doing that doesn't bring you joy? Start saying no.

Surround yourself with positive people.

Even if you're not feeling like it, force yourself to spend time with people who will inspire you.

Many times, the road to success is found by taking a detour. Sometimes we get overly focused on getting to our goals through a well-trodden or familiar path. A crisis is one of the ways that the Universe can show you a new direction. If you can say, “yes” to the alternative route in front of you, you may find a wonderful new vista opening up that’s full of opportunity. 

So the next time you find yourself unable to move forward, take a moment to believe in yourself. We all get stuck at times. The trick is to minimize the time you stay stuck! Any car can be gotten out of that rut in the mud if approached with the right tools. Trust that you will get out of whatever quagmire you may find yourself in - now that you have your own tools at hand to help!


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