Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poverty, money -- and love

After writing my last post, I just happened to watch a very moving TED talk from one of the Kiva co-founders, Jessica Jackley.  Excellent description of how we can share, in small $25 increments, to empower the poor, and allow them to change their own lives, in the ways that are really effective.  Not us in the developed world telling them what they need, or merely appeasing our guilt.

Her ending notes: We don't need anyone to tell us to care, we already do care.  We just need to be brave enough, and take the initiative to try.  Stop, and listen to someone else's story.   Everyone has the potential to do amazing things in the world.  We're all here for each other.  Believe in each other.  We need to make our collective story into a love story to change the world. 

To be a part of the amazing work that Kiva does around the world, start here.  Or find a cause that you care about.  Be a part of the love story.

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