Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are You an Urbanite?


From the Urban Dictionary: A person who inhabits one of the major cities in the world, aged between 17 and 44. An urbanite is an affluent consumer with an optimistic outlook on life that is very different from those who live in "small town" or rural areas.

Urbanites are both a subculture and a contemporary lifestyle. They have 6 key characteristics: Time-poor, city-proud, media-literate, brand-centric, trend-sensitive and culturally-aware.

The British newspaper Metro has listed the 10 "Great expectations" that above all else motivate and drive Urbanites:

1.   Expecting to live a meaningful and experience-rich urban life.
2.   Expecting to succeed in multiple areas of life (not just career).
3.   Expecting to get substantial fulfillment from work (not just cash).
4.   Expecting to be at the hub of a large friendship network.
5.   Expecting the traditional ideal of "true love" in the modern world.
6.   Expecting to have to "make time" in order to have and enjoy time.
7.   Expecting to use debt to have what they want, and have it now.
8.   Expecting to have a progressive government that delivers results.
9.   Expecting to live in a pleasant "urban village" area of their city.
10. Expecting to live a responsible life as an urban consumer. 

Wow, do we have a lot of expectations!  Can I axe numbers 6 & 7?

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