Monday, October 29, 2012

Lessons in Life

I firmly believe that all of life is about learning, changing, growing.  Trying to be a better person, to find a purpose, love, fulfillment.  

So far, these are some of the most important things I've learned.  The list is still growing...

Learn something every day.  It can be small (like a new word) or large (like tackling a new computer program or hobby), but never stop learning.

Smile.  Even if you don't feel it, because when you smile, the world does smile back at you, and before you know it, you will be smiling.  Each day is a gift... make it fun.

Look.  There is beauty all around you.

Listen.  It's the lost art.  When someone is talking, pay attention.  Be in the moment.  Make them feel important, and make a real connection.

Make mistakes.  It's OK.  Above all, don't be afraid of trying.

Quit procrastinating.  There really is no time like the present.  Don't let opportunity, and life, slip away from you.  Make every moment count.

Do what you love.  You don't necessarily need to make a career of it, but do that thing, because it will feed your soul in ways that are indescribable.

Live simply.  Enjoy what you have and get off that hamster wheel of consumerism.  It's empowering.

Live in the moment.  Stop your past and future tripping or you will never be happy, and you'll miss out on all the beautiful details.

Be who you are.  And if you don't look in the mirror and love that person, create a new you who you admire.


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