Monday, March 18, 2013


Many people experience a shift in health, energy, mood and mental clarity over the course of their detox.  You wonder, "Should I be eating like this all the time?"  The answer is "Yes!"  Don't imagine that you can just go back to your old ways of eating without difficulty.  Now that you've come this far, it's a great opportunity to slowly reintroduce those things you've eliminated, one by one, to check your body's reaction.  If you do reintroduce something with a bad reaction, just remove it again, and go on to the next one.

Reintroduce Dairy.  Do this on the day after you've completed your detox.  Have a large glass of milk, or cheese, or yogurt, or all of them.  All in one day.  Besides that, stick to the diet.  Notice how you feel over the next 48 hours.  If you have adverse reaction, you could be lactose intolerant and should get tested.  Even if you feel fine, it's still best to minimize your dairy intake to 2 cups a week, or eliminate it altogether. 

Reintroduce Wheat.  Do this on the third day after you've completed your detox.  Have a slice of bread - in fact, why not have three? Notice how you feel over the next 48 hours.  If you have adverse reaction, you could be allergic to wheat or yeast and should get tested.  Even if you feel fine, it's still best to minimize your wheat intake in the long run to avoid developing an allergy (it's actually fairly common).  Aim to limit wheat products to twice a week.  With so many other delicious grains available, and armed with the new techniques I've learned during this detox, it's a goal worth striving for.

Reintroduce Alcohol.  Do this on the sixth day after you've completed your detox.  Like me, you were probably tempted to break open the champagne the very day you completed your detox - and why not?  We deserve it.  However, the reason you need to reintroduce dairy and wheat first is that alcohol increases your allergic reaction by irritating the gut.  It's best to start with a yeast-free drink, so champagne actually is the best pick.  Have a glass, or two, or three in a row and notice how you feel over the next 48 hours. Pay particular attention to your mood, and cravings.  Next, test yourself with beer and wine.  If you notice a physical reaction to these, and not champagne, then you may be allergic to yeast.  Get tested for it.  In the long term, no matter what your reactions, it is best to limit alcohol intake.  Yes, booze has it's bonafide benefits, especially wine, but it's still best to consume in moderation - ideally 0-1 glasses a day for women, and 0-2 for men.  On those occasions when you do have more, drink plenty of water along with the alcohol, have 1 tsp. of Glutamine powder in water before bed, and exercise the next day.  All this will help minimize the damage. Also,drink herbal tonic/tea like "Love Your Liver" or dandelion the following day to help ease the stress to your system.

Reintroduce Meat.  Do this on the tenth day after you've completed your detox, if you must.  The truth is though that a plant-based, whole foods diet is your best course to lasting health, and it makes a positive impact on the environmental sustainability of our planet.  You don't have to search hard on Google to find countless stories about the toxins in our meats, overfishing, hormones, methane... it's all true, and bad news.  Help yourself and the planet by switching to a vegetarian diet.  If you really find this impossible to do, please reduce your consumption to 2 meals a week, and make sure it's all organic.  Read more about the benefits of a Flexitarian diet.  Thank you!

Reintroduce Caffeine.  Do this on the twelfth day after you've completed your detox.  I opted to hold out until a Sunday because I wanted to treat myself with a fantastic Sunday brunch to celebrate the end of the detox and my success.  Most people, myself included, experience so much more energy at the end of a detox - and you've kicked the habit - that you simply don't need that short-term energy boost.  If that's the case, stay caffeine free, or make it a weekend treat.  If you do want to test it, notice your mood, and then reconsider.  Either way, it's best not to exceed 1-2 cups a day.  Switching to green tea, especially in the afternoons, is a wonderful alternative, and you get your antioxidant boost too!

Reintroduce Bad Fats.  Actually, don't.  And why would you when there are so many other oils that are delicious and nutritious.

Reintroduce Sugar.  There are so many negative side-effects, you really shouldn't.  It's much better to switch to alternatives - agave nectar, organic brown rice syrup, sucanat, raw cane sugar, molasses, maple syrup and honey.  These are wonderful ways to sweeten up your life with less of the negative side-effects.  Still, they really all sugars.  Try to reduce your intake going forward.  Better yet, start using soaked dates and dried figs instead.  Just blend them up with their soaking juice and you have something so tasty you'll never go back to sugar again.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”  - Jim Rohn

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