Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Make Positive Change in 2013

change (verb, used without object): to become different; to become altered or modified; to become transformed or converted; to pass gradually into 

What change do you want to see in your life?  Your community?  Your world? 

For many of us, we take the ritual of making resolutions for the new year very seriously.  It's about making a conscious decision about what we want most in our lives and moving towards it. We resolve to change behaviors that relate to the way we take care of ourselves and our relationships. We want to be the fullest expression of our best selves.  But, inevitably it seems, over the course of the year we backslide and these resolutions fall by the wayside, so that year after year, we find ourselves making those same resolutions, over, and over, again.

But real, lasting change can be made.  To create lasting change, there must be an irrevocable shift in perspective.  In addition, we must learn a practical strategy about how to strengthen the behaviors that support and nourish our desires to be healthier, happier, and more connected. 

Don't just sit back and expect the change to happen.  Real, lasting change takes conscience thought and effort.  

Patterns are hard to break, and it unfortunately gets harder as we grow older. Anyone who has ever tried to change has struggled to sustain long-term change. But understanding the relationship between your thinking and your actions gives you more power to stay focused on your objectives and makes it more likely that you'll attain your goals. 
“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” -Steve Jobs 
In 2013, thoughtfully consider those changes that are most important, or imperative, to your internal and external health.  Be realistic and don't try to tackle everything at once.  Then, use these 5 simple tips to help turn your desires into realities:

Start Small and Be Specific.

Keep a Journal.

Be Present and Honest.

Have a Support Team in Place.

Practice Self- Compassion.

Over the next five weeks, I'll be going through each of these points in depth for more tips to help you stick with those resolutions.  I'm no expert, but I have put a lot of work into my own personal improvement, especially over the past 10 years.  I feel it's important to share some of the lessons I've learned so that anyone reading this can know that they're not alone, and hopefully learn from my mistakes.  

So, how badly do you want to make change? Your “whys” have to be bigger than your “buts”. There is only one YOU, and you are responsible for making yourself better. Make YOU a priority. This means you must learn to love, humor, respect, and value yourself. You have nothing to give others unless you take care of yourself first. When you begin to love, respect, and cherish yourself, you will start to make healthy choices. Behind the veil of fear, doubt, and self-criticism your true self is waiting to emerge. Come to know, love, and express your thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires and commit to pushing past the excuses and obstacles to become the real YOU. 

You have the ability to make lasting change, but you must truly want it and be committed to the process. Remember that no one is perfect. You will have occasional lapses. Be kind to yourself and don’t give up. Acknowledge your mistakes, recover, and get back on track.

You are created to live out your potential. Make choices aligned with your values and surround yourself with supportive people.  Believe that in yourself and the change will come.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  - Maria Robinson

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