Saturday, March 23, 2013

Your New Habits for Health and Longevity

As I mentioned in my previous post, there were so many great discoveries I made over the course of this 6 week cleanse.  Things that are beneficial and delicious enough that I'm permanently changing my diet to include them.  Eating right is certainly cheaper than buying a bunch of supplements, and it's definitely cheaper than battling a medical condition.

Foods to enjoy daily:

Healthy practices to perform daily:
  • Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime (giving yourself a 12-16 hour break of not eating) so your body can heal itself and not simply work to digest food.  Check out the great interview on "Forum". 
  • Drink 8 glasses of water
  • Reduce stress - spend more time outdoors and try to meditate for at least 10 minutes every day when you first wake
  • Take 10 minutes of your morning (or at the beginning of your workout) to do 2 sets of Sun Salutations.  Hatha style - holding each pose for 30 seconds.  It's a great way to stretch your muscles, loosen joints, and set your intention for the day.
  • Exercise 30-60 minutes 5x a week - Yoga is particularly good, or other aerobic activity 
  • Get 8 hours of sleep every night  
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly
  • Eat smaller portions

Healthy changes to make in your environment:
  • Switch to natural cleaners - it's easy to make them yourself
  • Beware of electromagnetic pollution - don't keep your phone on your body
  • Clean your air - open windows to clear out carbon dioxide build-up

Healthy changes to your way of thinking:
  • Don't eat foods that are out of seasonNot sure, check out this handy guide.
  • Eliminate all GMO foods and preservatives
  • Lower your intake of carbs + potatoes
  • Try going veg or flexitarian.  Here are a couple good cookbooks by chef Peter Berley to get you started - veg + flex)
  • Cut back on the coffee + alcohol
  • This one's critical - Eat less sugar!  Lightly sweeten with alternatives like dates, honey, orange juice, brown rice syrup, sucanat or stevia.

Healthy food substitutes:

Now that you're armed with more information, suggestions, and recipes than you'll probably ever need, I hope that you'll use it as a guide to create your own new habits for health and longevity.  Here's to YOU!

To all the non-foodie cleansers - Thank you for your patience these past 6 weeks.  Though it may have seemed like a major digression from my usual topics, your health (which is strongly linked your diet) is directly related to your overall happiness, and being the best YOU you can be.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Results

Well, I must say I've learned a lot of new tricks these past 6 weeks.  I definitely learned about myself, and my cravings, and that I'm the boss of them.  I was pleased to discover many things I'd already been doing right, and I'm excited to incorporate several new standards into my daily diet.  Some of the biggest, positive revelations were:
  • How refreshing it is to start off the day with a hot mug of lemon water
  • That soaked dried figs and dates make amazing, natural substitutes for sugar
  • A glass of Rejuvelac is a tasty and uplifting alternative to an afternoon coffee 
  • That I was able to break all of my cravings in as little as a few days, and in only 2 weeks for the stronger ones 
  • That I haven't been nearly adventurous enough when it comes to making my own herbal teas, and how nice it is to have the knowledge of what herb to use for each medicinal purpose
  • Raw, sprouted breads are not only delicious, but good for you and a cinch to make
  • That just 2-3 days on a juice cleanse can really clean you out - and it's tasty too!
  • What have I been thinking by never adding yam to my smoothies before?!
  • Salted nuts are OK as an afternoon snack, but some raw sprouted almonds + flax-rice crackers with Supergreens mix is way tastier 
  • That a macrobiotic diet makes a lot of sense.  You eat delicious + nutritious foods, feel satisfied, full of energy, and detoxify all at once.  I'll definitely be incorporating much more of these principles into my standard regime.

Truth be told, there were also a few cons (or things I'm still unclear offer more benefit):
  • Raw, sprouted grains.  They're tasty made into raw breads + crackers, but not so much as a side dish.
  • A full "Raw" diet in general.  I really liked some of the dishes I discovered - raw cheeses, nut mylks, raw quiche, marinated beet salad, raw carrot cake, chilled soups - and will continue to include in my regular diet going forward.  But, both my boyfriend and I experienced lots of loud stomach gurgling, which I discovered is not uncommon for a raw foods diet for the first 90 days of transition.  Also, I'm just not convinced that eating cooked whole grains and other well-prepared cooked foods is a bad thing.  I will incorporate more raw in general and now have some great, new recipes to pull from.
Overall, it was a great experience!
  • My energy is high and stable
  • My skin is clear
  • I lost weight
  • My teeth are whiter (from making my own sugar-free toothpaste)
  • My nails are super-strong now

What were the biggest surprises?   
  • How satisfying most of the meals were.  Even the juice cleanse brought it's own satisfaction, because we felt so good and energetic with our systems not being bogged down with it's constant effort of digestion.
  • That it took up to 2 weeks to break my habits + cravings for a cup of coffee in the morning and a glass of wine with dinner.  After that, I barely gave them a second thought.
  • That I could use so much olive oil and nuts and still lose weight
  • What a powerful stimulant coffee is.  Before the cleanse I was drinking 1-2 big cups a day.  Now, I'm down to 1 small cup and still feel the effects up to 5 hours later!  My boyfriend is having the same experience - jittery, sweating, teeth clenching, difficulty sleeping - none of which occurred during the cleanse.  By comparison to green tea, this stuff is rocket fuel and should be used with caution, and in moderation. 

So, would I do it again?  
Yes!  I plan to make cleansing a bi-annual ritual as well, as eating healthier all the time.  I feel great on a vegetarian diet and will definitely be limiting my consumption of sugar and non whole grains going forward. 

What would I do differently?  
In the future, I feel it makes more sense for me to detox for 2-3 weeks every 6 months. Doing it after the start of the new year feels like the right time, and during swimsuit season.  I'll follow a combo macro-raw diet with a juice fast in the middle.  No need for the slow reintroduction period.  I'll still following the basic meal plan structure I outlined and prepare many of the same recipes.  Next time, since I'll already be starting from a healthier point, I'll prepare simpler dishes for the cleanse - cooked brown rice or kitchari, superfoods + lightly cooked cruciferous veggies, sprouted + fermented foods, and raw foods, follow the 6 golden rules of detox, and include many of the extra detoxification habits into my routine.

Another valuable thing I learned:  
These lessons are even more important as we get older.  Eating healthy in old age increases psychological acuteness, resistance to disease and illness, provides higher energy levels, faster recuperation times, and better control of chronic health problems.  Eating well can also be the key to a positive view and staying emotionally balanced.  So why not start now?

Eating a meal full of vital nutrients has a positive effect on healthy aging, and it prevents the decline that can come along with it.  Keeping fit as you get older includes a reasonable combination of a balanced diet and suitable exercise.  There's an excellent film Forks Over Knives that talks about how diet can prevent, and even cure, long-term illnesses and eliminate our dependency on costly pharmaceuticals as we get older.

I know that I want to age better than my parents, and their parents did.  And now I know I can.  There's no time like the present to start those good habits for a long, and healthy life. 

“The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.”  - Robert C. Peale

Monday, March 18, 2013


Many people experience a shift in health, energy, mood and mental clarity over the course of their detox.  You wonder, "Should I be eating like this all the time?"  The answer is "Yes!"  Don't imagine that you can just go back to your old ways of eating without difficulty.  Now that you've come this far, it's a great opportunity to slowly reintroduce those things you've eliminated, one by one, to check your body's reaction.  If you do reintroduce something with a bad reaction, just remove it again, and go on to the next one.

Reintroduce Dairy.  Do this on the day after you've completed your detox.  Have a large glass of milk, or cheese, or yogurt, or all of them.  All in one day.  Besides that, stick to the diet.  Notice how you feel over the next 48 hours.  If you have adverse reaction, you could be lactose intolerant and should get tested.  Even if you feel fine, it's still best to minimize your dairy intake to 2 cups a week, or eliminate it altogether. 

Reintroduce Wheat.  Do this on the third day after you've completed your detox.  Have a slice of bread - in fact, why not have three? Notice how you feel over the next 48 hours.  If you have adverse reaction, you could be allergic to wheat or yeast and should get tested.  Even if you feel fine, it's still best to minimize your wheat intake in the long run to avoid developing an allergy (it's actually fairly common).  Aim to limit wheat products to twice a week.  With so many other delicious grains available, and armed with the new techniques I've learned during this detox, it's a goal worth striving for.

Reintroduce Alcohol.  Do this on the sixth day after you've completed your detox.  Like me, you were probably tempted to break open the champagne the very day you completed your detox - and why not?  We deserve it.  However, the reason you need to reintroduce dairy and wheat first is that alcohol increases your allergic reaction by irritating the gut.  It's best to start with a yeast-free drink, so champagne actually is the best pick.  Have a glass, or two, or three in a row and notice how you feel over the next 48 hours. Pay particular attention to your mood, and cravings.  Next, test yourself with beer and wine.  If you notice a physical reaction to these, and not champagne, then you may be allergic to yeast.  Get tested for it.  In the long term, no matter what your reactions, it is best to limit alcohol intake.  Yes, booze has it's bonafide benefits, especially wine, but it's still best to consume in moderation - ideally 0-1 glasses a day for women, and 0-2 for men.  On those occasions when you do have more, drink plenty of water along with the alcohol, have 1 tsp. of Glutamine powder in water before bed, and exercise the next day.  All this will help minimize the damage. Also,drink herbal tonic/tea like "Love Your Liver" or dandelion the following day to help ease the stress to your system.

Reintroduce Meat.  Do this on the tenth day after you've completed your detox, if you must.  The truth is though that a plant-based, whole foods diet is your best course to lasting health, and it makes a positive impact on the environmental sustainability of our planet.  You don't have to search hard on Google to find countless stories about the toxins in our meats, overfishing, hormones, methane... it's all true, and bad news.  Help yourself and the planet by switching to a vegetarian diet.  If you really find this impossible to do, please reduce your consumption to 2 meals a week, and make sure it's all organic.  Read more about the benefits of a Flexitarian diet.  Thank you!

Reintroduce Caffeine.  Do this on the twelfth day after you've completed your detox.  I opted to hold out until a Sunday because I wanted to treat myself with a fantastic Sunday brunch to celebrate the end of the detox and my success.  Most people, myself included, experience so much more energy at the end of a detox - and you've kicked the habit - that you simply don't need that short-term energy boost.  If that's the case, stay caffeine free, or make it a weekend treat.  If you do want to test it, notice your mood, and then reconsider.  Either way, it's best not to exceed 1-2 cups a day.  Switching to green tea, especially in the afternoons, is a wonderful alternative, and you get your antioxidant boost too!

Reintroduce Bad Fats.  Actually, don't.  And why would you when there are so many other oils that are delicious and nutritious.

Reintroduce Sugar.  There are so many negative side-effects, you really shouldn't.  It's much better to switch to alternatives - agave nectar, organic brown rice syrup, sucanat, raw cane sugar, molasses, maple syrup and honey.  These are wonderful ways to sweeten up your life with less of the negative side-effects.  Still, they really all sugars.  Try to reduce your intake going forward.  Better yet, start using soaked dates and dried figs instead.  Just blend them up with their soaking juice and you have something so tasty you'll never go back to sugar again.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”  - Jim Rohn

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MY Plan - Part 2 - Raw Recipes

Here are some tried and true recipes to help with your own meal planning.  I've taken these from my research materials and tweek'd them a bit. There are scores of raw recipes online, in books, and many links in my previous post.  Doing your own research to appeal to personal tastes, and checking out what's fresh at your local farmer's market, is a great way to get inspired to detox and not feel like you'll be deprived. All quantities listed are 2 servings.

Supergreens Mix 
8 Kale or Collard leaves
1 bunch beet greens (optional)
4 cups chopped spinach
½ cup chopped parsley
½ cup chopped dill, basil or mint (I like to switch this up with each batch)
Juice of 1-2 lemons (to taste)
2 cloves garlic, chopped
¼ cup organic, cold-pressed Olive Oil
Salt + Pepper to taste

Combine all in food processor until blended to dipping consistency
1 serving = ½ cup

Look-alike Mashed Potatoes
1-1/4 cup raw cashews, soaked for 1-2 hours
1/2 head cauliflower
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
Salt + pepper, to taste.  Rosemary (optional)
Blend cashews, cauliflower, oil + garlic in a food processor.  Add water a little at a time until you have a creamy consistency.  Season to taste. Top with mushroom gravy + parsley.

Mushroom Gravy
1-1/4 cup chopped mushrooms
1 clove garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. tamari
1 Tbsp. water
1 tsp. sage
1/4 tsp. thyme
Salt + pepper, to taste
Blend all ingredients until you have a creamy consistency. Season to taste.

Look-alike Salmon Pate
1 cup raw walnuts, soaked for 6 hours
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded + chopped
1 shallot, peeled + chopped
1/4 tsp. kelp powder
Blend all ingredients until you have a smooth consistency.  Season to taste.

Spanish Rice
1/4 cups wild rice, soaked for 12 hours+ sprouted 3 days
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 Tbsp. parsley, chopped
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. red onion, minced
2 tsp. cuminseed
Jalapeno or chile powder, to taste
Lime, to taste
Salt + pepper, to taste
Drain grain, and let sprout for 3 days in a bowl covered with a dishtowel, rinsing 2-3 times per day until sprouted. Mix remaining ingredients with sprouted rice and let sit in a bowl for a few hours to allow the flavors to meld. Season to taste.

Wannabe Refried Beans
3/4 cups raw sunflower seeds, soaked for 2 hours
1/2 cup adzuki beans or black lentils, soaked + sprouted for 3-4 days
2 Tbsp. sun-dried tomatoes, chopped (soak for 1 hour if not packed in oil)
1 tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. cumin seed
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 clove garlic, chopped
Jalapeno or chile powder, to taste
Salt + pepper, to taste
1/4 cilantro, chopped
1/2 avocado, sliced
Mix first 8 ingredients in a food processor.  Add water until you achieve a consistency you like.  Season to taste. Top with cilantro + sliced avocado.

Jicama Crunch Sticks
1/2 jicama, peeled + cut into strips
1/2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. nutritional yeast (not a raw product, but full of vitamins)
1 Tbsp. olive oil (reduce if tomatoes are packed in oil)
Chile powder, to taste (chipotle, or your chile of choice)
Sea salt, to taste
Combine all ingredients and toss well. Season to taste.

Hemp Seed Ranch
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tbsp. tamari
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup soaked sunflower seeds
1/2 cup hemp seeds
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cracked black pepper
1 Tbsp. dried dill or 1/4 cup fresh
Blend all ingredients, then stir in 1/2 cup chopped parsley. Adjust as desired.

Monday, March 11, 2013

MY Plan - Part 2 - Raw Meal Plan

This is a 2 week meal plan + 2 additional weeks of slow reintroduction to check for allergic reactions.  Refer to my raw structure in the prior post for breakfast, snacks and drinks.  Something to consider, especially of you're a "Vata" dosha or detoxing during colder months - Because this diet is raw, it can feel cooling.  Add warming spices like ginger and cayenne to your recipes to heat you up.  You'll notice that cruciferous vegetables and/or superfoods are included every day, and that the 5 elements are also in balance.  Remember to review your recipes 4 days in advance to allow for any soaking + sprouting time.  Desserts are optional, but if you include them think of the serving as a 3-bite size.  Stay tuned to my next post for more recipes.  

Day 1
Lunch - Beetroot-apple salad with horseradish cream, supergreens mix + raw crackers (made with leftover sprouted brown rice from the rejuvelac)
Dinner - Nori rolls with look-alike salmon pate, daikon "rice", avocado, cucumber, seaweed salad, tamari-wasabi dip, miso soup

Day 2  (special meal) 
Lunch - Spring green rolls, supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Look-alike mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, spinach salad
Dessert - Raw carrot cake

Day 3  (weekend)
Breakfast - Look-alike scrambled eggs and tomato jerky bacon
Lunch - Mixed greens salad with cruciferous veg, herbs, walnuts + lemon-tahini dressing, supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Mezunte burrito with carob mole, raw corn chips or corn-kale chips with guacamole

Day 4  (weekend)
Breakfast - Fresh fruit, sweet raw walnut yogurt, raw oats, 1 Tbsp. essential seed mix 
Lunch - Mixed greens salad with cruciferous veg, herbs, walnuts + cranberry dressing, "essene" or other raw sprouted bread
Dinner - Sunny burgers with raw ketchup on collard green buns, raw jerusalem artichoke fries with olive oil + sea salt

Day 5 
Lunch - Mixed greens salad with herbs, walnuts + hemp seed ranch dressing, supergreens mix + raw sprouted bread
Dinner - Spanish rice, wannabe refried beans, spicy jicama crunch sticks, corn chips
Dessert - Leftover carrot cake

Day 6 
Lunch - Celery soup, supergreens mix + raw sprouted bread
Dinner - Raw kitchari (seasoned for your dosha), palak, curried lentil crackers 

Day 7
Lunch - Leftover burgers + fries
Dinner - Raw pad thai

Day 8
Lunch - Mock tuna salad in cabbage cups (alternate recipe), supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Lentil and sage sausages with red pepper coulis, marinated broccoli salad
Dessert - Carob almond milk

Day 9  
Lunch - Curried cauliflower soup, supergreens mix + curried lentil crackers, daikon pickle
Dinner - Mushrooms with pesto, spinach quiche (alternate recipe)

Day 10 (weekend)
Breakfast - Chia pudding (alternate recipe) with grated yam
Lunch - Mint-pea soup, leftover tuna salad, supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Nori rolls with look-alike salmon pate, daikon "rice", avocado, cucumber, kale-seaweed salad, tamari-wasabi dip, miso soup

Day 11 (weekend)
Breakfast - Fresh fruit, sweet raw walnut yogurt, raw oats, 1 Tbsp. essential seed mix 
Lunch - Leftover quiche + sausage
Dinner - Mexican salad with cruciferous veg, with chipotle dressing, corn chips with easy cashew spread cheese

Optional Juice Fast  (recipes are listed in my Smoothie post + read these helpful tips)

2-3 Days (can go longer with doctor's approval) 
Breakfast - Liver Cleanse or Berry Power Blast smoothie
Lunch - Green smoothie - Detox, Mighty Green, DandeLion or Rising Tiger
Snack - Avojito smoothie
Dinner - Green smoothie - Detox, Mighty Green, DandeLion or Rising Tiger

Note:  You should still start your day with the hot lemon water, then follow with a glass of water with 1 Tbsp. psyllium husk. You can have any of the smoothies listed, but no yam or soy milk. Ideally, it's best to use a juicer, or strain out the fiber from your smoothie. It isn’t that the fiber isn’t good for you, but by chewing the pulp you’re not allowing your digestive system to take the rest it should get to expedite detoxification. During this time, it's also great to do oil pulling to help expedite detoxification.  Also drink several cups of herbal + detox teas throughout the day. Continue with reintroduction as listed below.


Day 1  (raw) 
Breakfast - Liver Cleanse or Berry Power Blast smoothie
Lunch - Beetroot-apple salad with horseradish cream
Dinner - Shitake-seaweed soup, bok choy-granny smith apple salad with miso dressing

Day 2  (raw)
Breakfast - Liver Cleanse or Berry Power Blast smoothie
Lunch - Cabbage curry salad, daikon pickle, supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Raw taco meat, avocado, cilantro, raw corn chips or corn-kale chips, sauteed cauliflower with cumin + lime

Day 3  (weekend) *Reintroduce dairy + resume macro diet
Breakfast - Fresh fruit with plain yogurt, raw oats, walnuts
Lunch - Butternut squash soup, supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Meze platter with raw falafel, spinach salad with lemon-tahini dressing, cucumber, feta cheese (dehydrator-free recipe), besam chapati

Day 4  (weekend)
Breakfast - Fresh fruit with plain yogurt, raw oats, walnuts
Lunch -  Mixed greens salad with herbs, walnuts + hemp seed ranch dressing, supergreens mix + raw sprouted bread
Dinner - Brown rice risotto with mushrooms + parmesan, sauteed broccoli with garlic + lemon
Dessert - Carob almond milk

Day 5   *Reintroduce nightshades
Lunch - Roasted yams with arugula + hazelnuts
Dinner - Eggplant parcels stuffed with smoked mozzarella, mashed potatoes, sauteed collard greens

Day 6
Lunch - Raw sprouted rye bread sandwich with dijon marinated tempeh, sauerkraut, salad with beets
Dinner - Polenta with roasted vegetables + chickpeas, tomato sauce

Day 7  *Reintroduce white rice 
Lunch - Raw BLT sandwich with eggplant bacon, arugula, avocado butter or vegan mayo
Dinner - Indian spiced dal, cauliflower "gobi" + cabbage, basmati "jeera" rice, daikon pickle
Dessert - Badam milk (no sugar, sweeten with dates)

Day 8  
Lunch - Leftover meze platter
Dinner - Korean-spiced brown rice bowl with kale, kimchee, pickled daikon, sprouts, tamari sprouted almonds, tofu-ginger-tahini sauce (aka "I am Whole")

Day 9   *Reintroduce wheat
Breakfast - Smoothie, bread with olive oil or raw almond butter
Lunch - Roasted butternut squash, white beans, sauteed chard with garlic
Dinner - Pasta with tomato-tempeh bolognese + parmesan cheese, salad

Day 10   (weekend)  
Breakfast - Smoothie with homemade granola + nuts
Lunch - Buckwheat noodle salad with red cabbage, edamame, feta cheese
Dinner - Bread with mediterranean sides

Day 11   (weekend) *Reintroduce caffeine
Breakfast - Pancakes with dates + walnuts, orange syrup, coffee
Lunch - Mixed greens salad with roasted beets, walnuts, cider vinaigrette, chinese fermented tofu (similar to blue cheese), supergreens mix + raw crackers
Dinner - Vegetarian tamales with jalapeno, cheese + adzuki beans, green beans + carrots with roasted pumpkin seed sauce

Day 12 - 15  Combination Raw + Macrobiotic diets - dairy, nightshades, wheat, rice + caffeine OK

Day 16  *Reintroduce alcohol

Day 18  (weekend - Sunday brunch)  *Reintroduce eggs
Breakfast - Egg omelette with mushrooms + rosemary + cheddar cheese, fig danish, fruit, coffee 
Dinner - Butternut squash-sage-spinach lasagna with raw nut cheese, salad

It's time to resume your standard diet - new + improved - incorporating the lessons you've learned + tasty, new recipes.  I'll explain the in's and out's of reintroduction in more detail in my next post.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” - Jim Rohn


Saturday, March 9, 2013

MY Plan - Part 2 - Raw Structure

There was a lot of information to sort through and distill down for the purposes of clarifying it for my own good, and to share with others here.  As I mentioned earlier, one of the biggest discoveries I made through all this research was the surprising amount of overlap among the diet philosophies.  Sure, there are plenty of differences, but the things that most of these diets have in common are: 

  • The list of the 10 habits to break
  • The list of the 5 habits to form
  • The focus on seasonal, local foods
  • The importance on balancing the 5 elements
  • The benefits of sprouted foods

These are all important things to consider, not only during a detox, but as a permanent life change towards a healthier YOU.  

I've actually been working through my 4 week detox and am now nearing the end.  This is MY Plan - tried and tested with great results (as I'll soon share).  I'm not a nutritionist, so please consult a doctor first if this diet veers dramatically from your current diet.

Part 2: 2 weeks, detox diet with raw principles

A reminder that there are some gadgets used in the create preparation of raw foods.  I've attempted to select dishes that are simpler.  Also include seasonings specific to your dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) into your Lunch and Dinner.  Try to include some raw garlic or onion in your daily meals.

Upon waking:  Start your day with a large glass of hot water with a thick slice of organic lemon

Breakfast:  Smoothie (only raw fruits + veggies) blended with water almond milk  or pumpkin seed milk (it's best to make your own) + 1 Tablespoon Maca powder.  Top with raw oats + 1 Tbsp. Essential Seed Mix (Grind together 3 parts flax seeds, to part each pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds.  All seeds should be raw, organic). 

Morning Snack:  10 raw, sprouted almonds (soaked overnight + drained), Handful fresh pomegranate seeds (when in season) or goji berries (you can top your smoothie with this if you want to skip the snack)

  • Soup or Salad (includes protein)
  • Dessert (optional) - Mandarin or 1/2 granny smith apple with raw almond butter

Afternoon Snack:   Supergreens Mix with raw crackers, and a shot of wheatgrass, a glass of  rejuvelac (Note: I love the traditional version sprouted with wheat berries, but be sure to use gluten-free grains like brown rice, amaranth, millet, rye berries or quinoa for the cleanse.  I also like to add a slice of raw beet to each jar for sweetness.), kombucha, or 1/4 cup aloe vera juice.
  • Raw entree (recipes included in next post)
  • Dessert (optional)

Drinks:  Herbal teas (dandellion is especially good for liver detox), green tea, brown rice tea, hot ginger water, water with cucumber, Pau d'arco tea, dosha-specific herbal tea.  You can also make wonderful teas out of fresh herbs - rosemary, mint, parsley - or crushed, dried herbs - dill seed, celery seed, coriander seed - all of which have specific, medicinal properties.  It's important to remember not to drink much during or for 1 hour after your meals to aid digestion.
Before Bed:  Take Glutamine supplement (help maintain the integrity of your gut wall, your first line of defense from toxins)

Remember, it's never to late to make a resolution. If you're feeling the signs of toxicity and want to be healthier, clean up your act and start NOW.